Saturday, December 31
> The entire week's events.
So sorry for the really late update. Ive been so busy. And this entry is gonna be so freaking long with tons of pictures. For the impatient, you may wanna click the big red X on the top right hand corner. I even skipped my favourite tv programme on Channel U now just for this entry (if not i will only remain in my own memories), so you better appreciate it!
Lets go back to X'mas eve. No pictures taken at Wayne's house though. But before leaving my workplace to party, Sally and i had a mini makeover in the storeroom, in preparation for the joyous day.
So after we did our DIY curled hair, we started camwhoring in the fitting room.

Do you think i should get my hair permanently curled? I would have to leave it longer first, but i think i look too matured, no?
The next big day was
Boxing day. The barbies and kens had a house party at Grace's pretty house.

The owner and i
I met Grace and Ryan at White Sands for some groceries shopping first before heading down to fry some finger food and did our very own kebab(spellcheck?). Initially we were afraid that there wasnt enough food, but it turned out that there were too much food. Gosh.

These are not all, there's still Anisah's brownies, log cake and ice cream.

My outfit for the day. Matches the dresscode exactly. But it turned out that not many of them wore stuffs to match the dresscode. I should had just ignored it cos i think i look really fat and fugly in that silver top.

In Grace's house with myself, Gena, Steven and herself.

In the garden with myself, Leanne, Gena and Grace.
The others started camwhoring but i wasnt included because i was busy chopping the turkey with Ryan in the kitchen.

So we settled down for some games like the very
stupid truthordare which i really hate to play.

Zhiyi was the first, he was dared to remove his top and swing it around.

Anisah was dared to walk and sound like a gorilla, but she started dancing and scratching herself. Lol.

Jeremy was dared to remove his top too, but he was too camera shy. Sorry for the digression, but i would like to wish Jeremy a very Happy 18th Birthday (30/12)! YAY!

Grace was dared to do an Indian dance using Ryan as the tree.

And yes, i was dared to lock lips with Gena, whom nobody managed to capture a picture of us kissing.
Iyo, so paiseh.And of cos, it was time for the gift exchange. So we started drawing lots and exchanging gifts, laughing hysterically at all the silly stuffs we gotten/gave.

Grace's very oriental X'mas tree. wakakka.
Steven very luckily got my gift, a really cute mouse!

And i gotten Gena's gift.

Mrs Fields cookies!
So comical right, its like i made cookies for all of them with their initials and i got cookies back in return. hiaks.
So the party ended close to midnight. I met up with Nicholas and XiaoQiang and chilled at his swimming pool. Nicholas has been such a great friend these days. Meeting up was such a bliss.
Last but not least,

Yam Seng to barbies and kens. May our friendship last forever!
The next day, which was a Tuesday. I met Denise and Bird for our FTT test and we all passed on our first attempt! Hip hip hooray! After which, Bird and I went over to Rene's house to play mahjong with Teddy as well. Had dinner and home sweet home.
Wednesday after my dance practice in school, i went down to Bugis and met up with Sally and Siying. Shopped around before heading down to town and met up with all the other colleagues from Ebase to have our mini gathering and gift exchange session. We had dinner at N.Y.D.C Heerens.

I know i look terrible. I hate that freaking pimple on my cheeks. It had been there for months!!

We stayed there till the waiter chased us away. And yay, we are one big family (with tons of gift)
Initially i was expecting to receive nothing since i didnt know who was my angel to give me my gift since quite a number didnt turn up. And never did i know that this angel of mine was so close yet so far!

It was Sally! My favourite gossiper. wakakka.

The Parkway team (without xiaoling2)

My gossipers at work! Myself, Sally and Hueywen.

Hueywen, Elli and myself.
Some headed to Zouk while some headed home. For me, i went down to Zouk but not to club. I went down to wait for Nicholas to pick me up to go somewhere else to chill. Zouk was so freaking packed, the queue was so very long and i saw many friends i havent seen for a long time. It was good just wandering outside Zouk.
The chilling session turned out to be a car ride session. All the way from there to Tanglin to see some rich people's big bungalow (like 3 bungalows connected) completed with tons of super zai sports car, then we went to Holland Village only to realise nothing was open at 1am, and we finally decided to go to Mr Bean opposite Parklane but we went the wrong way. We ended up at Redhill and when we finally reached our destination, it was already 2.30am. doh.
I woke up at 8.30am the next day (thursday) for project meeting, followed by dance and finally dinner with Jackson. Velyne was so sweet she bought me a box of chocolates for X'mas. Im so ashamed cos i didnt get her anything.
Dinner was good last night with Jackson (smiling already right mr jj), we chatted quite a bit and i made him try the durian ice cream at Scoopz. It was sinfully good i freaking swear. And it was such a happy day because i saw Kenneth Loke, Isaac and Lydia after so damn long.
And today is just another day at work. Im so looking forward for tomorrow cos i'll be out with Shalyn, Kev, Kenny and David at Kbox! Im so dying to sing.
I cant believe that 2005 is coming to an end in 1 day's time (since its past 12 already). My resolution for this year wasnt even fulfilled. But put that aside, im gonna start a new year, a new hope, a new me.
My new resolutions for the year 2006:
- Lose weight!! Till im like 50kg. I know that's freaking heavy too, but must be practical mah.
- Study even harder! Must get all As and distinctions! Must get into the Director Honours List!
- Earn more moneyyyy
- Keep my room really neat and tidy
- Get myself really tanned!
Its more like a to-do list. Oh whatever.
Im gonna catch the last 15 minutes of Luo Zhi Xiang. He's so freaking cute i wish he's mine. wakakka.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:42:00 am
Sunday, December 25
> All i want for Christmas, is you.
Merry Christmas to my bestie Shalyn, all my barbies and kens, all my family and friends, all my readers and foes.
And so, my Christmas has came and gone. Though today is the exact day itself, but its dedicated to work. I was so ecstatic last night when the clock strikes 12 and my handphone starts to ring. I got totally unexpected greetings from totally unexpected people, i was so happy i almost jumped and touch the stars glittering above.
I slept at 6am this morning and i just woke up not too long ago. I thought i would oversleep and be late for work, but instead, i couldnt even sleep at all. I cant wait for Boxing day, the barbies and kens are so gonna have fun.
Oh yes, Happy 23rd Birthday to Robin and Happy 18th Birthday to Natalyn! Double celebration, weeeeeeee.
In addition, Happy 1 year anniversary to Denise&Bird as well as Anisah&James and Happy 3 years(?) anniversary to Chewlian&boyfriend.
All the best to dearest Angie and Hk!!
Wishes from yours truly to all of you, may you have a wonderful Christmas.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:41:00 pm
Thursday, December 22
> King Kong
Has it ever occured to you that some time in life, you have to make a decision between two choices. When you've decided on one and making the other an opportunity cost, you realised that the choice you've made isn't the best one and you ended up with nothing at all?
And that's quite sucky.
Well, this kinda situation happened to me multiple times and i still cant find a reason behind it. I wonder why. People say "once bitten twice shy", but it seems like i'll never learn my lesson.
On a lighter note, I just came home from supper with Leonard after sending my mom and sis home. King Kong was such a great movie, though anti-climax at times, but it was kinda touching which made me almost teared. The reason why i ALMOST teared was because when i was just about to be emotionally involved, sympathing with King Kong, Leonard had to ask me a question. "Can i have a mentos?"
I was all set to go clubbing tonight, but by the time Leonard sent my mom and sis home, it was already 1am and we were both hungry. Pascal didnt switch on his phone, so i couldnt join him at MOS and Denise finally picked up the call when i was just about to place my order at Hong Kong Cafe, so i didnt join her at Chinablack either.
What a waste. I doubt i would have much time to go club during this short term break. Work + dance + project + Christmas parties = busybusyamber.
I saw this really nice top at Mango today, but it was quite loose. =( And the other top that looks really nice, was too low cut and short. =( It was soooo cheap can!
I personally feel that this year passes really quicky, it is about to end in just a wink of an eye. Its gonna be Christmas once again. Last Christmas was awesome, im sure this Christmas will too. Gonna party at Wayne's house on the eve, and Grace's house on boxing day.
This year, i have so many material wants for Christmas. But i doubt i'll get em. =( All my pay is invested into my driving account and im so hard up for money. That sucks.
X'mas wishlists:
- Loreal double extension mascara (i so need it for work)
- The Body Shop bronzer in a brush without shimmers (i so need it wherever i go)
- A new bikini (i so need it for my trips to sentosa)
- A new brown belt (because mine broke without any reasons)
- A new handphone (mine's super laggy and sucks totally)
- Lots and lots of new clothes (there's never enough)
- A new LV wallet (mine's like so old already)
- peace? (sounds bimbotic, but true)
And yes, before i forget again. Ive been given the tag by Shalyn to post 5 random facts about myself. *grumbles and frown
- I bite my nails unknowingly whenever im stress, revising for exams and sitting for the paper itself.
- Ive got tons of scar on myself. One on my forehead, one on my chin, one on my left index finger and two on my right knee. Not forgetting, my right thumb flesh is chipped off thanks to mummy when i was in primary school. (which means that my right thumb is slanted still)
- I binge whenever im depressed, in other words, all the time.
- I cant sleep alone in a room. I feel really insecured, not like im afraid of the dark or cannotbeseenfigures. But i just cant sleep alone. And yes, i sleep with my sister on the same bed every night.
- Ive learnt swimming twice, gotten some certificates, but i still cant swim for nuts. I wonder how i passed in the first place. Ive got phobia of deep waters.
And so, im passing this on to my beloved barbies. Yes, its you - Grace, Leanne, Gena, Samantha and Angie.
Okay, bed time.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:16:00 am
Tuesday, December 20
> Must love exams!
And so, today is the 5th day glueing my ass at Kallang's MacDonalds hot seat, mugging away for 10 hours. Besides mugging hard, ive been eating MacDonalds EVERY SINGLE DAY, im so gonna get fat. Its like my hard work of dieting, which ive mangaged to shed 2kg, returning back to the "rightful" owner. Oh dear, save me!
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, today's paper is sooooo simple! I think i would have gotten 100 marks. But then again, im sure there would be careless mistakes lying around. Better not pin too much hopes on it first. The higher the expectation, the bigger the disappointment. Ive learnt my lesson.
But i know im gonna be so dead tomorrow, because its mostly theory based and im not so good with investments and shares, and i aint totally prepared for the paper. I just hope another miracle will appear, like for today's.
I cant wait for Wednesday to come. Its marks the start of my term break, my 2nd driving lesson and im gonna catch King Kong with mom, sis and Leonard.
Anyone keen for hot dancing on Wednesday night? Angie..? Tag me and let me know! Need to relieve some stress.
And yes, i would like to extend my gratitude to my dear friends who have been so nice to me these days, driving me home at wee hours. Thanks Nicholas and Raymond, not forgetting Robin who came down to accompany me.
I had a great dinner at No Signboard yesterday halfway through my revision. It was sumptious, filling and good. Thanks to my dearest brother, Kenny. WEEEEEEEE.
Okay, tv time.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:53:00 am
Friday, December 16
> I love contradictions.
I finally decided to drag myself out of bed despite having an afternoon nap for 4 hours and Marcus calling me 50 minutes ago to wake me up. Im feeling rather stoned and looked really lost now, i feel like continuing my sleep and never wake up.
I sense great danger in time to come, i can feel the level of stress piling and i feel really afraid and scared. Ironically, it doesnt stop me from being slack and really commit my time into studying and revising for the upcoming term test which would commence in a few days time.
Im like so dead now.
This semester was a gone case for me. Due to an additional commitment in my life, i had to put in all my leisure time at work and i dont have other time to focus on my studies. And because of work, i often get insufficient rest and so i often skip classes. Conclusion? Im so lost in all the fuped concepts but yet im still not doing anything about it. SAVE ME PLEASE, somebody, anybody. SAVE ME.
I love contradictions.
Anyway, the bottom half of this entry would satisfy some rubbish people who have been so over-concerned (in a sense, kpo) about my life. Yes, i was attached but had too, broken up. My ex and i patched up impulsively and he felt that he wasnt ready and able to commit himself in a relationship. As for me, there's still that someone on my mind and in my heart and so, we decided not to carry on further. Depressed? Yes. Disappointed? Yes. Upset? Yes. But now, he and i are still great friends and so it means that im still single for 1 year 7 months and still counting! yay.
I love contradictions.
And loving contradictions are irritating Marcus the hell out of him.
Bye for now.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:48:00 pm
Tuesday, December 13
> Monday blues?
Im up exceptionally early this morning, say 6.45am when usually i will knock all 3 alarms down and continue sleeping till 7.30am when i realised im oh so late for school. And that's because i sleep really early last night, say 12.30pm while watching tv which i unfortunately slept through out.
Anyway, this is just a random and senseless entry.
Yesterday was a terrible Monday because i was blue-d. Doh. I skipped my second tutorial cos i was in such a freaking bad mood and i was too lazy to travel back to school under that scorching sun which i dont get to meet everytime im out tanning.
It was Nicholas who helped me through my arduous day yesterday, sending me messages that made me feel really cared for. And thanks Jason for that one very powerful message, that made me so much stronger. Retail therapy sure helped a little with Rachel, Gena, Pascal and Jeremy.
And now, i no longer frown (well, i hope), because yesterday i received a call that really brightened up my day so much i felt it was the best day ever. The very reason why i enjoyed working yesterday, i was in a jolly mood.
Well, i guess it would be much easier to let go now, so please, tell me your decision or i would have to make my own assumptions.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:32:00 am
Sunday, December 11
Im so glad he called this morning, or noon to be exact, waking me up from my beauty sleep. But nothing felt better than hearing his voice, the first thing i heard since my day started. But of course, things are so different, i dont like the changes made. Not at all. And i know, things will never revert back to the old times, so i guess i should be saying goodbye.
Quite a number of things happened these days. I got my hair dyed with highlights but i think im going to highlight it again, in a much brighter colour in the new year.

Actually its not much of a difference from my previous hair colour. Probabably just a tone lighter.
I too, had my first driving practical lesson and it wasnt as difficult as i expected. Now i realised that it isnt really that hard to drive. Quite fun though. The instructor is so full of crap so i crapped along with him.
Yesterday after work, i rushed down to Marina Square and met up with Grace, Anisah and Ryan for midnight shopping. Supposed to meet up with Steven, but we didnt. Why arh?
Here are my loots:

This pair of shoes were like love at first sight, but im quite broke so i didnt wanna get it in the first place. But i was feeling so damn depressed and moody i thought i needed some retail therepy since food therapy failed me.

Gotten myself a pair of shorts from Fox too.
So there really isnt anything much for the midnight sale cos there isnt really much sales going on. And i wasnt in the right mood either.
So Nicholas came down from Bedok Reservior, all the way to Marina Square at 1am just to pick me up and off we went to East Coast for his friend's chalet. I havent seen Nicholas for such a freaking long time and it feels good to meet up with him once again.
Im so envious of him cos he got a car for his 20th birthday. I also want leh! 19th birthday can?
Well anyway, left the chalet and headed down to Redhill for supper. I was almost falling asleep by then. Nicholas drove me home and we sat at the void deck for some talks, which suddenly started to drizzle after a series of howling wind that almost blew me away.
And so i got home at about 4.30am but couldnt really sleep. I think im sinking too quickly into this quicksand. I better be stronger and pull myself out of it and continue life as it is.
Oh yes, it feels so good when you have friends visiting you at work, just to say hi or something. That simple gesture made me really happy because at least you know that there are people who thinks of you when they are nearby your workplace. Thanks Kerson.
My dad is a bit cranky. He forbidded me to have my brunch. So im like really hungry now. Cant wait for dinner, we're having steamboat tonight. yay!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:02:00 pm
Wednesday, December 7
> Haunted by the past.
I know for sure even a million sorries would never get anyone out of guilt or shame.
A million sorries would never heal the pains.
A million sorries would mean no help.
But a million sorries is all i felt.

Sometimes i feel im better off dead.
But till 2006 arrives with wide opened arms, let me continue to love you, as much as before.

Please do not blame me. There's no longer a turning point.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:51:00 am
Tuesday, December 6
> Amber's such a weakling!
I can foresee that my academic results for this semester would slide backwards greatly because i havent been putting much effort in my studies, and instead, skipping school at any chance i have.
Just 2 weeks ago, i was down with fever. In addition, i was in a really depressed state, i skipped school on two days. And woahlah, i skipped school again today and most probably the next 2 days because im down with fever, once again.
Before i even visited Dr Ong this afternoon, i can already diagnosed myself that im down with gastric flu, which was really the case. And this is the 3rd time since the year started. Something is wrong with me.

With my lost of appetite, i still had to put up with these yucky medicine, which wouldnt stop those sickbugs from attacking me again. As quoted by Dr Ong, the symptoms of gastric/stomach flu would keep returning and there is nothing i can do.
And that suck.
Because when my friends and family members heard about my sickness, they went like "What? Again? Why you so weak one huh?"
Thanks, and that didnt help to make me feel better at all.
The only one thing that pleases me when im ill is that, everyone else at home are treated like my
slaves second-hand helper. I dont have to do things on my own because my mom or anyone else who bothers, would fetch me my water/medicine/food and what not.
Hiak hiak, i love to feel pampered.
I feel so bored at this instance because i have nothing to do, neither do i feel like sleeping as ive already slept for like 24 hours since i felt unwell. And since Dr Ong gave me 2 days MC, i shall make full use of it by not going to school tomorrow and also, be on medical leave for work though my fever had subsided and i feel much better already.
I better start pulling up my socks and prepare for the term test wich will commence 2 weeks from now before i start failing. I didnt even secure an A for the recent CMA class test, which really made me very very upset.
Get well soon Amber bunny, cos i wanna go Zouk on Wed and midnight sales with the barbies on Sat!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:39:00 am
Saturday, December 3
> Leonard's big day.
Happy 21st Birthday Leonard!The rest continued this birthday celebration while Shalyn and I left earlier (like now) because i have work the whole of tomorrow.
Drinking and chilling session at Divine with the usuals in celebration of Leonard's big day. Im like totally worn out because i had school early in the morning, then work for the whole day. I havent even had dinner yet!
Enough said. Gonna have my bath and poof to bed.
What's your favourite birthday gift?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:51:00 am